Whisper of Suffering Voting!

Voting is LIVE starting 2/10 - 2/14 and end at 12pm Pacific Time

Just for helping we have a fun Rafflecopter to enter with amazing prizes!


Click the voting box to go directly to vote for Whisper of Suffering!  


Hello everyone! I am Samantha Jacobey, author of over thirty titles, many of which are young / new adult cleaner reads, such as Whisper of Suffering. Over the last six years, I have worked hard at promoting my books, but it has been a labor of love, as I am totally smitten with telling my stories, creating worlds for others to visit, and of course interacting with my fans.


And now, with this contest, what a wonderful opportunity lies before me! I am so excited and thank you all for being a part of it. Your being there has made my work possible and I cannot express my gratitude for each and every one of my supporters enough.


As for the TaleFlick Contest, we are basically working towards the chance to pitch WHISPER OF SUFFERING and the Dragon of Eriden Series to a major film and television producer. How awesome is that???


Right this moment, we need votes, and lots of them! So please, click the vote button and let your voice be heard. If you or anyone you know would love to see this dragon fantasy on the small or even the big screen, help us out with the first click! Then – please share! We only have a few days to gather the support and move to the next phase, and we just need a pinch magic to get there… magic that can only come from fans like you!


Thank you so much!


Dragon of Eriden


King Ziradon… Supreme Dragon of Eriden. He is overthrown; imprisoned in a stone fortress to watch as his kingdom is plundered by his once trusted adviser, Gwirwen.


Princess Kaliwyn… Dragoness and heir to the throne of Eriden. She is cursed to human form, stripped of her memory and cast out of the magical kingdom. But her dragon heart is strong, and it is her destiny to return and set right the grievances her people have suffered.


And so, the Dragon of Eriden begins…



WHISPER OF SUFFERING - http://mybook.to/WhisperDOE1 (99c)

JOURNEY OF DARKNESS – http://mybook.to/JourneyDOE2  (99c)
http://mybook.to/BetrayalDOE3  (99c)
http://mybook.to/KingdomDOE4 (99c)

THE COMPLETE COLLECTION – http://mybook.to/DragonOfEridenSet ($3.99)

About Samantha Jacobey

Anyone who knows me could tell you, I am a friendly kind of person, never met a stranger and take up conversations any where at any time. I work hard, and my mind never seems to shut down, as I wake up often in the middle of the night with ideas pouring out and demanding to be dealt with. Of course that means much of my books were written in the middle of the night.

I grew up and still live in the great state of Texas where everything is bigger, where we have warm weather and a central location. I love my state, my town, and my family, which includes my four sons, my significant other, and many friends as well.

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing the books that are currently available and hope you will enjoy reading them just as much. And of course, there will be many more stories to come.